Metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and atherosclerosis congress
3rd Metabolic Syndrome, type II Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Meeting
Organizing Committee and Scientific Advisory Board
abstract submission MSDA 2006...
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Marrakesh May 24th to May 28th...
Chartered flight...
Congress Opening Ceremony
to receive your invitation for MSDA 2006...
Organizing Secreteriat and Congress Venue
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006
12.30 p.m. – 02.00 p.m.
Metabolic HTA: concept to reality
Co-chair by: J.-C. Fruchart (France)
 Title to be advised ................................................................................................................................ P. Valensi (France)
 Title to be advised ................................................................................................................................. B. Vaisse (France)
02.00 p.m. – 03.30 p.m.
New perspectives for HDL-targeted therapies
Co-chair by: C. Calvo (Chile) & R. Ceska (Czek Republic)
 Pleiotropic functions of HDL ......................................................................................... A. Von Eckardstein (Switzerland)
 New pathways of cellular cholesterol efflux ................................................................................................ A. Tall (USA)
 HDL: a new target for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis ........................... B. Brewer (USA)
 Title to be advised ................................................................................................................... S. Santa-Marina Fojo (USA)