Metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and atherosclerosis congress
3rd Metabolic Syndrome, type II Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Meeting
Organizing Committee and Scientific Advisory Board
abstract submission MSDA 2006...
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Marrakesh May 24th to May 28th...
Chartered flight...
Congress Opening Ceremony
to receive your invitation for MSDA 2006...
Organizing Secreteriat and Congress Venue
SATURDAY, MAY, 27 2006
11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
Raising HDL-C – Reducing CV Risk
Co-chair by: G. Assman (Germany)
 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... G. Assman (Germany)
 CV risk reduction: we need to do better ........................................................................................... J. Chapman (France)
 Raising HDL-C: an important often forgotten target ........................................................................... E. Bruckert (France)
 A new paradigm: pharmacological intervention
 to raise HDL-C and reduce CV risk .......................................................................................................... G. Brown (USA)
 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... G. Assman (Germany)
12.30 p.m. – 02.00 p.m.